Intermediate Tips and Tricks (video only) - more than 20 min long
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The actual video contains:
How should I always start my training?
The FOUR MOVES TO WIN and how to become an Arm Wrestling Champion?
Tell me about getting used to using straps:
More on using straps
Should you “foul” to prevent a loss?
Should I start with my hips “close to the table”?
Written - how is your grip important in a match?
Do I cover my thumb or should I have it sticking up behind my fingers?
How should your body be set up prior to the start of a match?
Where should you put or how should you position your legs?
How do you become fast?
Does it help to have other people or your practice partner say “Ready, Go”?
Do I start early to see what my opponent will do?
Where do you focus all your energy and power from the start?
How do you expose your opponent’s weakness?
What does “having endurance” mean in Arm Wrestling?
How do I get control of the match?
Can you get control of the match and go for the win at the same time?
In a tournament who takes which side of the table… and what's the best strategy?
Can you “slip out” to prevent a loss?
So really, the only risk you are running, when you “Slip out” is that they will put the straps on you to keep your hands together?
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