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How to get into peoples minds and focusing

February 1, 2022

Real life Story by Clayton Faulconer

How To Be A Dominant Arm Wrestler

To be a dominant arm wrestler you need to play the psychological game.  Get into people's minds and distract them so they cannot focus on the match and what they are doing.  

One way of getting into your opponents mind is by saying or doing something that will truely distract them.  Find out about your opponent and while setting up, say something positive or negative that will distract them.  Ensure that what you say will distract them and not just seem like you are trying to distract them.  Negative things can include a complaint about your competitior or something negative a referee is doing and real.  Get your opponent to think that he either agrees or disagrees with what you are saying and this may get them to think of this not the match.  

Staying Focused

Make sure that when saying something to distract your opponent, you stay focused yourself. Before each match, I like to decide and know which move I am going to use and mentally go through this move to rehearse it. If possible, I like to rehearse it both mentally and physically. Reheasing mentally can be done anywhere. To rehearse your move physically, I like to do this where I can’t be seen by anyone and I go through the exact motion of what I am going to do. Doing this is also a good warm up for the muscles needed and used.

Be decisive with the move you are going to use. You don’t want to be changing your mind with what you are going to do at the last minute.  You have to be committed to what you are going to do.  Know what you are going to do and focus your attention to the start of the match and using every muscle simultaneously to win. 


Make your opponent think he is going to lose!

Some people have already lost a match before they have it.  If you are not confident and think you are going to lose, you will.  Be confident and think you are going to win and follow through with this.

Make your opponent think he is going to lose before the match happens. At many tournaments, you are able to talk to the competitors. Making him lose before the match starts can be done by talking about your win history or the biggest titles you have won.  You can talk about how hard you train and all the things you do to get better and to be strong. If a large number, talk about the amount of years you have been training.